Thursday, January 26, 2017

Worship Music for Sunday, January 29th, 2017

From my soul, I will join the songs of thanksgiving;
I will sing and proclaim Your wonder and mystery.
Your house, home to Your glory, O Eternal One, radiates its light. 
I am fixed on this place and long to be nowhere else. (Psalm 26:7-8, The Voice)

     Last Sunday, we began our worship time together by singing these words: "There's no place I would rather be, than here in Your love." Is that true? Can we sing them with integrity before the Lord? Can we honestly sing with complete abandon, "God, there is nowhere else I would rather be than right here, gathered with Your people, in Your presence, praising You and singing to You"?

     If not, why not? Part of preparing to be in the presence of God is examining ourselves -- checking our heart to see if there are competing desires that displace God as the object of its devotion. That's why at the beginning of Psalm 26, David invites God to look into his heart:  
"Put me on trial and examine me, O Eternal One! Search me through and through -- from my deepest longings to every thought that crosses my mind." (Psalm 26:2, The Voice)

     If we cannot enter into worship in our gatherings on Sunday, it may be because we have not entered into worship throughout the week. David recognized that where he went, what he did while he was there, and who he did it with could expose his heart to competing desires: 
"My life is not wasted among liars; my days are not spent among cheaters. I despise every crowd intent on evil; I do not commune with the wicked." (Psalm 26:4-5, The Voice) 
We can't expect our hearts to be positioned for worship on Sunday if the rest of the week we have chosen to allow people who have no regard for God to be the chief influences in our lives through books, TV programs, movies, video games, popular music, talk radio, or just relationships at work or home or in the classroom.

     As you prepare yourself and your family for time in God's presence among His people this Sunday, ask yourself: "What am I doing with my time? What effect is it having on my heart and mind? Who am I allowing to influence the way I think and live, and what I desire in my heart ?" Make space to allow the Holy Spirit and the Word of God to be the primary -- better yet, the exclusive! -- influences of your heart and mind this week. Then, when you gather for worship with your church family, you will find yourself able to sing with all integrity, "There truly is no place I would rather be!"

Here are the songs we will be singing together in our worship gathering this Sunday...

1. Made to Worship by Chris Tomlin (1 Corinthians 10:31)



2. Holy Spirit by Francesca Battistelli (2 Corinthians 3:17)

3. Yes and Amen by Housefires (2 Corinthians 1:20)



4. Oh, How I Love You by Jesus Culture (Deuteronomy 6:5)



5. Scandal of Grace (I'd Be Lost) by Hillsong United (Philippians 2:5-11)

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